
Are you ready to transform your life and embark on a journey towards optimal health and wellness? At Specht Health Coaching, we believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to lead a healthier, happier life, regardless of their current fitness level. That's why our health coaching program is designed to accommodate both seasoned athletes and those who are just starting their wellness journey.

Meet David & Tina Specht.

In 2018, David & Tina embarked on a health journey that would forever change their lives. They lost a combined 180 pounds, and have kept it off for nearly 5 years. Today, they help others contend for lifelong health, one habit at a time.

What makes us different?


Your Coach
One-on-one personal support is what sets our program apart from other lifestyle programs available. I’ll be there to guide you on this journey and help you develop healthy new habits and make healthy choices that lead to lifelong transformation.

Habits of Health System®
Developed by co-founder, Dr. Wayne Andersen, the Habits of Health system is an innovative lifestyle approach that contains everything you need to replace unhealthy habits with healthier ones. Adopting these habits contributes to your long-term success.
Our Community
In addition to your Coach, you’ll have access to support from our Community of like-minded people who are all focused on creating better health.
Our Fuelings
All Fuelings are nutritionally interchangeable and five of them a day provide 100% of 24 vitamins and minerals along with probiotics to support digestive health.

The Story of Our "Integrated Life"

Weight loss was only a small part of our journey to health. It started with our mindset, commitment to one another, and our relationship. 

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The Flexibility to Exercise (or Not)

Why Our Program Works for Everyone

Our approach to health coaching is inclusive, flexible, and tailored to meet your unique needs and goals. Whether you're a regular gym-goer or someone who hasn't exercised in years, we've got you covered. 

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Just a few of our clients

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How to Get Started

Just fill out the assessment below, and we'll contact you to discuss your options.